
Sasodei rp part 9

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Reckless-X-Abandon's avatar

Literature Text

... He was never calling Deidara an idiot ever again. Or at least not with Tobi near-by. No one could be considered an idiot when he was near. He was the king of idiots. Sasori watched with half-lidded eyes as the masked twit leapt up and, after the blond said that the 'fairy' might fly away, hurried their way and squeezed on by. He temporarily looked slightly amused after the imbecile was on his way to the basement. Tobi really was gullible.

The puppet turned to watch the masked fool hurry towards the basement, the sculptor following quickly after. Wanting to watch, the red-head wasted no time in following them. He mentally snickered at his partner's description of the supposed fairy, then twitched slightly as the image of Hidan with pink dyed hair wearing a blue dress invaded his mind. Ew. Great. "Don't forget the delicate, rainbow wings, Deidara," he pointed out.

What was a fairy without wings, after all?

Down in the spooky basement, Hidan was... Currently, asleep. Hey, what else was a guy supposed to do if they didn't have a body and had a friggin' rat nestled snugly in their skull?

Rainbow wings too? This must be a really pretty fairy! Tobi squealed in excitement, hurrying down the stairs to the basement door. He paused at the doorknob and looked back to the artists. 'Can you come with me? It’s dark in there,' he mumbled.
Jeez...He really was hopeless wasn’t he? Deidara sighed irritably and moved down the stairs in response. He'd have to be quick if he wanted to lock the masked Uchiha in there. With only one arm, he’d be slowed down significantly.
Once in the presence of the blond, Tobi slowly opened the door and peered inside. 'I dun see anything,' he announced.
Well duh.
Deidara looked over the idiot’s shoulder, pushing him further into the gloom. 'Don’t worry. The fairy’s not gunna attack you or anything, un.' Woah! That gave the sculptor yet another evil idea. 'Go on.'
The idiot moved forward again and then crash. 'OW!' he wailed. Aw…seemed like he had forgotten about the step and fallen over.
Deidara saw his chance, slammed the door and locked it. 'Oh, dear. Looks like the fairy’s locked the door, un,' he giggled. The blond looked over at Sasori and lifted his hand as if he was controlling a puppet.

The puppet stopped and watched the two just a few feet away from the stairs. Looked like Deidara could handle the rest of the little plan. Or, at least, he hoped so, since it seemed he had to go down with the masked idiot... Heh. He didn't want to have to lock his partner in there, too.

Footsteps! Hidan's eyes shot open at the sound of footsteps and voices! ... And then, his eyes went narrow. That idiot fool that fled last time... And Tobi. Why were they talking about fairies...? ... Wait. He was the only living thing - aside from that Jashin forsaken rat - in the basement. He couldn't be saying that he was a fairy... Right?

... Okay, the dumbass was going to die. Yes. As soon as -

The crash at the bottom of the stairs, the loud wailed 'OW' and the slam of the door broke through his thoughts. Shit... That couldn't mean... He was stuck down there. With Tobi. And a rat he so lovingly named Fuckwad. "FUCK. YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD WHEN I GET MY BODY BACK, BLONDIE!" 'Course, he didn't notice that the way he said it almost made it sound like he was sort of protective of the masked idiot.

By now, Sasori looked mildly amused. Heh, the blond could be so evil, sometimes. That's why he --- ... Could tolerate him. Yeah, that was it. He rose a brow - both at the Jashinist's threat and the sculptor's little gesture. What, did he want the red-head to make the ring-girl puppet come to 'life' or something?

... Psh. Why the hell not. He began to concentrate on finding a path good enough to lead a chakra string through - the space underneath the door was good enough - and then, once it was attached to the puppet...

In the basement, there was the popping and cracking of wooden joints as the supposed ring-girl started, quite jerkily, to push itself up.

That slam didn’t sound good. Tobi crawled up to the door and started tugging on the doorknob. 'Deidara-sempai?' he called out, as if doing so would cause the door to magically unlock. He almost jumped out of his skin when Hidan started screaming explicitly at the blond who was standing behind the door sniggering away.
Deidara didn’t really care that his life was being threatened…the Jashinist didn’t have his body. And it didn’t look like he would get it back for quite a while.
Perhaps avoiding Hidan for a while would be a good idea.
Ah, good. Sasori had understood what the sculptor had meant. It was now only a matter of time before their mission was completely over.

Tobi looked over to where he had heard the Jashinist. 'Hidan-sempai! You’re here too?' Assuming that the cracks were coming from Hidan, the masked fool went to switch on the light. Boy was he wrong.
Much like Deidara’s first reaction after seeing the puppet master’s work of art, Tobi switched the light back off again, letting out a very high pitched scream. Well…high for a guy like Tobi. 'UWAAAA! SHE'S GUNNA KILL MEEEE!' It didn't actually occur to him that he, like the rest of Akatsuki had another six days to live...oh well.

Everyone's favourite Jashinist furrowed his brow at the popping and cracking sounds, though it seemed Tobi didn't find them to be a cause of worry. Huh. He blinked rapidly when the light was switched on, then scowled when the light was turned off.

Before it dawned on him that if it obviously wasn't he that was making the noises, or Tobi, then... Well, the scream and exclaimation of 'SHE'S GUNNA KILL MEEEE' confirmed it. That bloody body was moving. "SHIT! WHAT THE HELL! TOBI! PICK ME UP, DAMNIT!" Hey. At least then he wouldn't be a vulnerable, talking, decapitated head laying on the floor. He'd be a talking, decapitated head being carried by an idiot. Okay, so maybe the floor was better. But it wasn't like Hidan thought of these things.

The ring-girl puppet, for the moment, ignored the talking head. It instead started moving towards the masked fool, hands outstretched and grasping for pretty much anything they could grab.

Sasori grinned widely, albeit evilly and a touch creepily, as well. The idiot's scream was like music, to some extent. Albeit not very melodic - but he wanted to hear it again. Who know scaring the hell of such imbeciles could be so fun? Heh, he couldn't wait until the six days were up!

Unfourtunately for Tobi, Zetsu wasn't in the house. He was out on a mission. Poor Tobi.

All the while, Fuckwad the Mouse nibbled cheerfully away at the inside of the immortal's head.

Cruel artist number two was also enjoying the sounds of Tobi's frantic screaming. He was now sitting on the stairs, sniggering away. 'How long’re we gunna keep him in there for, un?' he asked, looking back towards Sasori. Deidara himself expected at least six hours, but his partner was very much more merciful. The total time would probably be at least doubled.
Another scream.
Tobi was now curled up in a ball in the corner of the room, hoping that being there would prevent the ring girl puppet from finding him. Even though…he couldn’t see anything in the darkness. Hell, the corpse puppet could be above him for all he knew. He didn't even dare go retrieve Hidan’s head. Just the thought of bumping into the puppet send shivers up his spine.
'DEIDARA-SEMPAI! HELP!' he wailed.
Feeling no guilt whatsoever, the blond called back. 'The pretty fairy with rainbow wings will save you, un!' He began to imagine Tobi being smothered by the ring puppet in its attempt to "save" him.
Hm…maybe stealing the key would be an excellent idea. It would prevent anyone else rescuing the two misfortunate Akatsuki members.

The living puppet tilted his head slightly to one side, looking down at Deidara for a moment before he shrugged. How long... Heh, he hadn't thought of that. "Maybe a day... Or two. Unless someone gets bothered by the screaming." Or unless the cannibal got back and decided to free the idiot and ruin their fun. Or if Kakuzu had to go off on a mission and had to finally fetch Hidan's head.

The ring-girl puppet seemed to follow Tobi's voice, as it was making it's way towards his corner at a good pace. Not too quickly, though. The puppeteer wanted to try making it so that each crack and pop was noticeable. But then, abruptly, it stopped.

... Then reached out as quickly as it could, long, willowy fingers grasping for the poor fool.

The Jashinist, unfourtunately, heard the bit about the fairy. And took it the wrong way. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLING A FAIRY, YOU QUEER-ASS BLOND?!" Yep. There was a scary, poppy-jointed chick and an idiot locked with him in the basement and he forgot all about either of them because he thought the idiot upstairs was calling him a fairy.

Sasori snickered, silently wishing he had a tape recorder so he could record the masked twit's screams and listen to them whenever he felt the need. Which would probably be often, especially when creating new puppets from scratch. Or from people. But they screamed well enough on their own.

Judging by the sounds of the popping joints, the puppet was close. Tobi let out another loud wail and tried to crawl closer to the wall. But if the idiot tried to get any closer to the wall…he would be the wall. Part of him was actually [I]glad[i/] that he couldn’t see past his nose. Only because he’d be able to see the deadly ring girl puppet and not be able to get away.
'I THINK SHE FLEW AWAY!' he shouted. Shame…he really wanted to see that fairy.
The last comment from the Jashinist made Deidara twitch slightly. He hadn’t originally been directing the fairy comment at Hidan, but well…things change. 'YOU!' he shouted back. Hm…maybe he should go find his headless body and stash it away somewhere. Evidently earning him a much larger punishment. But seeing how long Hidan could go without his body was almost as funny as listening to Tobi scream. Almost.
God, listening to Tobi screaming was WAY better. The blond could hardly wait until the ring puppet finally found him. He was going to whine to Sasori to hurry up. Even though it was all the more torture for poor little Tobi.

The Jashinist's left eye twitched in mild irritation - and that was an understatement. He was highly pissed. At Tobi, at Deidara, and at the creator of that stupid puppet, Sasori! They were all ritual fodder when he got his body back! ... Well. Maybe not Tobi. Jashin would probably take that as an insult.

A feral growl escaped the silver-haired head of an immortal at the blond's reply. "IF I'M A FUCKING FAIRY, THEN YOU'RE A GODDAMN PRINCESS!" Just the thought of the freak in a dress would have made him shudder if he were able to move anything aside from his eyes and mouth.

It was 'Time'. To take the scare up a level. The ring girl puppet wrapped one hand around the twit's upper arm, the other moving to sort of claw at his mask.

Since puppeteering was his specialty, Sasori didn't need to concentrate on it much. Instead, he found himself listening to the little exchange of words between the bodiless Hidan and his partner, Deidara. Tch, knowing his luck, he was going to have to play 'protect brat number one from brat number two' when the immortal got his body back. Or get Kakuzu to put said immortal on a leash...

In return, the blond artist’s eyes narrowed. “Princess”? There were many things he despised. But the thing that made his blood boil the most was having his gender confused by halfwits. Even the most intelligent person in the world could turn out to be blind and think Deidara was a woman. He rose to his feet, pointing his finger to the door accusingly. ‘DON’T CALL ME A LADY, BITCH! I’LL BLOW YOU UP!’ he roared furiously.
The bomber was about to add more insults and obscenities to his rave when he was cut off by the loudest, horrific and blood curling screams that had reached the blond’s ears in months. Though interrupted by the masked fool’s rudeness, he couldn’t help but burst out laughing. The princess comment being pushed straight to the back of his mind.
The one who uttered the such ear drum ripping sounds was about to faint. ‘HIDAN-SEMPAI! HELP MEEEEE!’ he cried, trying to push the puppet away from him.
This comment only made the sculptor laugh that much more.

Well, since he was more-or-less immortal and Kakuzu could just peice him back together afterwards, Hidan really couldn't bring himself to worry. Oh, no. Instead, why not press the blondie's buttons even more? ... Which was what he tried to do, yelling out, "OOOH! SOMEONE'S ON THE RAG!" - although his words were drowned out by the masked dumbasses' screams.

The puppeteer chuckled - again, at two things. The argument that the Jashinist and Deidara were having - if he wouldn't look like a total idiot, he'd try to force his partner into a dress later, but alas... He'd probably have to drug the sculptor. Which he was capable of, but he'd have to buy a dress first... Wait. Why the hell was he considering such a thing?

And the second thing was, obviously, Tobi's screams. Plus the shouting for the head of a man to help him... What was the Jashinist going to do? Roll over and chew the ring-puppet into a pile of toothpicks?

"Tobi," the silver-haired rat's nest of an immortal began, rather calmly at first. Though he was quickly approaching pure rage again. Now his ears were ringing, he had a headache, his insult probably didn't reach blondie, and the idiot over in the corner wanted help. From him. Though he couldn't quite move. "How can I help you if I don't have my FUCKING BODY?!

The ring girl puppet only brought the hand clawing at Tobi's mask back to grab one of the idiot's hands, not one to be easily pushed back. Oh, no. It moved it's head forward, instead, towards the crook of the twit's neck, almost as if it were going to bite him.

Luckily for Hidan and the rest of the Akatsuki members who were in the building, Deidara hadn't heard the Jashinist's last remark. Luckily only because the whole building would probably be blown to smithereens…evidently earning the artist the title of "suicide bomber."
But he had heard the reply to the masked boy. It seemed like little Tobi had decided that the blond was not coming to his rescue and moved on to he who currently was only a head. However, this did not occur to Tobi until after he had got the angry reply from Hidan.
So the sculptor remained in his little fit of laughter, until the screaming stopped. Damn…that was so selfish of Tobi. How dare he stop screaming? Aw…he hadn't fainted had he?
No…he hadn't. He just prayed that remaining silent would tell the puppet he was already dead. Was it even possible to be scared to death? Tobi didn’t think so.
The silence didn’t last though.
'Dun kill me...I’m a good boy!' he whimpered in his defence, trying to push the eerie puppet away from his neck. What was it? Some sort of vampire?
A little miffed by the lack of sound coming from the basement, Deidara looked to his partner. 'Make him scream again, un,' he giggled. 'He’s being too quiet.'

Thank Jashin! The irritatingly loud screams had stopped! Hidan closed his eyes and sighed in relief - and his hearing was still intact! Well... At least until Fuckwad started chewing on his eardrums. The silence was [i]nice, until the masked twit broke it. "Tobi, shut up and let it fucking eat you or whatever!"

The red-headed puppet frowned at the lengthy quietness. Perhaps the idiot's vocal chords had ruptured or something... Though if they had been going to do that, they would have done so a long time ago. Around when he first spoke his first word as 'Tobi'. Sasori halted his puppet's movements for a moment, then looked at Deidara, nodding. "I'll try." ... What? He wanted to hear the imbecile scream some more, too!

The non-living ring-girl puppet started to move again, allowing itself to be pushed away from it's victim's neck. Although in retaliation, it tightened it's grip on his upper arm and hand considerably, trying to pull him back, out of the corner and to who the hell knows where.

All the while, the puppeteer was thinking. What should he make his little toy do with the fool? ... That wouldn't hurt him too much, but would leave emotional and mental scars that would last up until his dying day? Could find a rat to put down his shirt or something...

Tobi had lost all will power…and actual power. He was beaten. By a non-living puppet. A very very scary non-living puppet. 'But I dun wanna be eaten,' the masked boy whined to his "basement buddy" as it were. Yep. It was decided. The last thing he was ever going to do was let himself be dragged around by a fictional character from a book and movie. And he would be murdered by said fictional character. Six days early.
He wailed a little. That grip was tight.
Deidara could barely hold in his excitement. He was like a little kid on Christmas morning, waiting for his parents to wake up and let him go downstairs to rip open his gifts.
It then occurred to the blond he had decided not to wear his scope that day. He had the urge to run upstairs and get it. He could change it to a thermogram setting, allowing him to see the shapes of the beings inside the basement.
Even though…he may end up missing another scream from Tobi.
Get on with it, Danna, he muttered inwardly.
It soon dawned on Deidara that none of the other Akatsuki members had come to complain about the noise being caused by the "pending" member. Not even Sir. Leader. Then again…he'd probably grown used to the noise due to the presence of very frequent arguments.

Of course, Hidan couldn't care less if he tried that the masked twit didn't want to be eaten. Then again... Who would? 'Cept for that cannibal. "Then be a good fucking boy and just shut up," he muttered grumpily. Eugh, who would'a thought being immortal could be so annoying, sometimes? If he hadn't been immortal, he'd be dead by now and wouldn't have a rat in his head, an annoying idiot off somewhere to the... Left, maybe? And let's not forget the damnable puppet.

The puppeteer was still thinking. Though he had settled on two things; getting rid of Tobi's mask for a moment, and using a rat for something. The only problem was getting a rat. Eh... Maybe he could substitute it with the Jashinist's head, instead.

Of course, the whole no one coming to complain about the racket thing had not occured to Sasori. For once, something escaped his notice. Then again, he was busy doing something else; his thoughts were occupied, and even if someone did come to complain... He'd probably tell them to shut the hell up before he decided to visit them during the night. Even if it did sound kind of creepy in a way he hadn't thought of.

The puppet stopped dragging poor little Tobi once it was near the immortal's head. Though it kept a grip on his upper arm, it let go of the hand it held and used it instead to forcefully yank off the mask, which it let fall to the floor, before groping around for a certain little someone. Which it found seconds later, and despite a feirce shout of "PUT ME DOWN YOU FUCKING DUMBASS!", picked him up.

... And then promptly and blindly shoved him into the idiot Uchiha's face. Unfortunately, this upset Fuckwad the Mouses' balance, and he ended up falling out of his new home. Onto Tobi. Where it quickly started to climb upwards.

Beginning to grow a little impatient with the pace his partner was going at, Deidara let out an annoyed groan. It seemed like Tobi had done enough screaming. And the argument between himself and Hidan had stopped too. Now the blond's throat hurt. The Uchiha's did as well.
Shame…they were clean out of honey and lemon juice. As a result of constant arguments and conflicts, that had become his favourite beverage.
Hm…perhaps once the fool had managed to crawl out of the basement the sculptor would reward him by pouring the juice over his head…no…that was exactly the same as saying "go away, you annoying little boy." It would be best for Tobi to leave by himself. Though, no doubt after this torturous experience he would make that attempt.
Deidara's ears pricked up as he heard another yell from the Jashinist. Had the masked twit made a move to escape and picked the head up in the process?

Of course not. Taking it like the man he was, Tobi was sitting obediently, waiting. He let out a little wail as his beloved orange mask was taken from him. He felt slightly naked without his favourite accessory. Though it was quickly replaced by Hidan's head. He closed his mouth tightly, not wanting to accidentally swallow any of the Jashinist's brains.
Wait…what was that?
Another screech erupted from Tobi's mouth as he felt Fuckwad climb down him. He frantically tried to relieve himself of the puppet's grasp to grab the small rodent. Failing. That girl was strong!

If only he had hands! Hidan found himself unable to scream or shout or rant about how he was going to sacrifice them all to Jashin soon enough because he found his mouth pressed against what felt like Tobi's forehead. Ew. The most he could get out was a muffled, incoherant curse or two before he decided opening his mouth while it was in contact with the twit's head wasn't the best idea ever.

The red-headed puppet glared just slightly at the blond, due to the annoyed-sounding noise. Could he not have patience? The imbecile down there seemed to have gotten used to his predicament.

At least it had seemed like he had. Sasori smirked slightly once again when he heard the fool screech a short moment after Hidan demanded to be put back down. Either the immortal was hideous enough to inspire fear in pitch black conditions, or he got the idiot in the eye with part of the immortal's spinal chord or... Something else. Whatever it was, it worked. "There. Happy, Deidara? I got him to scream again." He paused for a moment to listen for the Jashinist, raising a brow when he heard no protests or anything. "... And got Hidan to shut up."

And he did not quite want to know how.

The ring-girl puppet tried to both keep a hold on Tobi, and keep the head it held where ever it had happened to wind up. Though it more-or-less succeeded with the former, it failed with the latter; it accidentally dropped the talkitive head. Into Tobi's lap.

Hidan's rather horrorfied scream soon joined Tobi's screech.

Meanwhile, Fuckwad the mouse clung to part of the frantic, de-masked idiot's clothing and stopped climbing, alert and ready to bite, scratch, and hiss at pretty much anything that came near it.

Halleluiah! Hidan had finally shut up. Deidara almost cheered. Though, instead he raised his good arm in jubilation. The Jashinist's annoying voice was like feedback in loudspeakers ruining Tobi’s screams of dismay, in essence, just ruining the artists' fun. 'Un!' he exclaimed happily. Seems like the patience paid off, huh?
The blond also wanted to know how Sasori had actually managed to get Hidan to shut up. Though he wasn’t complaining. In fact he was extremely pleased.

The mask-less and terrified Tobi only screamed louder when the Jashinist's head landed in his lap. Why was the stupid puppet taking so long in killing him? Being killed by that boulder seemed like a much better way to go. Even being eaten by his darling Zetsu was more appealing.
He desperately and carelessly tried grabbing hold of Fuckwad the mouse, whom was clinging onto his clothes, accidentally hitting Hidan in the head a number of times in the process. 'GET IT OF MEEEE!' he bawled, twisting himself around in a final attempt to escape from the ring girl puppet’s tight grip, almost breaking his arm in the routine.
He needed a weapon. And his mask seemed like the only weapon-like item, which would be able to cause enough damage to the murderous puppet to let him get away. Once he had retrieved his discarded accessory and in a preposterous endeavour, he began smashing the orange mask against what he imagined and hoped was its head.
[link] Part 8

Part 9

[link] Part 10

Now you can see where [link] came from :B

Any faves and comments will be very appreciated.
And I would LOVE feedback.

:iconpuppetine: plays Sasori, Zetsu, Hidan and Kakuzu.
:iconreckless-x-abandon: plays Deidara, Tobi, Itachi and Kisame.
© 2007 - 2024 Reckless-X-Abandon
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shinythingsshine's avatar
why are you being so mean to tobi i think he is cute